
CENTRAL TECH: Cassandra Moreira, Samantha de Sa, Katie Pereira
LORETTO COLLEGE: Kayla Aguiar, Michelle Pacheco, Marlena Costa
BISHOP MARROCCO: Angie Da Costa, Ashley Dias, Michael Da Silva
ST. MARY: Caterina Melo, Pedro Chameco, Filipe Alpoim
ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE: Ines Santos, Samantha Correia, Amy Toste
ARCHBISHOP ROMERO: Andreia Cerdeira, Diana Pacheco, Brian da Silva
NOTRE DAME: Britney Andrade, Leanne Amaral, Stephanie Sampaio


UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO: Kristopher Sousa, Stephanie Freitas
UNIVERSITY OF YORK: Carlos Marques, Matthew Schumacher
FPCBP: Kelly Dinis Martins